about us

The company has developed rapidly since its establishment in 2000, starting with providing services for supplying equipment and production lines, installing and operating factories, supplying raw materials in addition to maintenance services for small factories.

Who we are... The whole story

Ever since the foundation of the company in the year 2000, Alokab has rapidly developed the services it provided for its clients. From production line expertise and industrial machinery to small size industrial plants assembly lines installation, raw materials supply, plant commissioning and maintenance. Today, Alokab has become a pioneer in providing innovative consulting services at a regional level.

Alokab Consulting Company


ﺷﺮﻛﺔ خدمات مهنية إﻗﻠﻴﻤﻴﺔ رائدة في ﺗﻘﺪﻳﻢ خدماتها الاستشارية للعديد من قطاعات الأعمال برؤية مختلفة، موجهة بالدرجة الأولى لنمو وتطوير الأعمال، التشغيل الإدارة، والتحول الرقمي للأعمال؛ وذلك للقطاعين الحكومي والخاص وتركز على القطاع الصناعي بخبرة تزيد عن 20 عاما ومنهجيات خاصة ومبتكرة عالمياً.

Alokab Consulting is at the forefront of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, leveraging Digital Transformation to drive efficiency, quality, and sustainability. Our cutting-edge methodologies have been transformed into integrated systems presented via smart platforms that utilize the latest data analysis technology, including data science and artificial intelligence. Our globally unique analysis tools provide highly accurate insights that enable strategic decision-making. As a result, we are recognized as a leader in providing top-quality consulting services to both MENA region and global powerhouses such as The Big Four.

Alokab Consulting's extensive and valuable database that unlocks the power of knowledge, a true intellectual capital. With a leading mind, diverse and integrated skills, our team of experts have meticulously built our database to provide essential consulting services to the government and the private sectors. With a wealth of experience gained from providing solutions to the private sector and our successful partnerships with the government sector, we have managed to achieve impressive results as we bring leading-edge thinking and expertise to every project.

Company slogan

Trustworthy counselor

Alokab was founded on the motto "All What is New," with a focus on providing innovative services meeting the demands of the market. However, this was just the beginning, as the company had aspirations for a different future

Therefore, Alokab established a framework for its services and began offering unique consulting solutions to both the government and the private sectors. The company's commitment to providing comprehensive services from planning to production led to the adoption of a new motto: "Together, from Planning to Production!"

As Alokab gained recognition for its exceptional consulting services, it has become essential to convey its identity through the new slogan: "A Trustworthy Consultant." Honesty and trust have always been integral traits that Alokab has been committed to in all its consulting services.

vision and mission

Providing a new consulting model to the world, not A MERE BUSINESS CONSULTATION

Providing quality consulting services using innovative methodologies and modern technologies.

Innovating TAILORED business models and strategies with the investment environment in mind

The company develops customized business models and effective methodologies through latest technologies.

The first reference of investment database for both sectors; public and private

Our rich database contains everything necessary for analyzing investment environments and exploring business opportunities in all sectors.

Digital Transformation... Entrepreneurship and Consultancy

Within the framework of our tailored business models, digital transformation is adopted as a key solution to many project technical and administrative problems.


Our methodologies and business models are tailored to ensure sustainability throughout the lifetime of projects. 

The Journey of Alokab ... Challenges and Achievements

The main goal is not to reach the summit. But continue there. This vision was and will remain the message; Great challenges and obstacles, but the will and work were greater.


The beginning .. the story started here

Alokab Consulting was published at the beginning of the 21st century. It started with providing services for investors in the industry field, including providing price offers and exporting production lines, in addition to building and manufacturing. The company was one of few companies in the region that provided such services with a team consisting of new engineers who work with great passion and future vision.


Industrial consulting

The company began to restructure its services in order to keep pace with market needs through studying the market and analyzing the real needs and gaps. Then, the company provided consulting services, especially the industrial ones, to present detailed feasibility studies with a different vision in addition to many special studies and reports. That was coinciding with the start of building a huge database as a reference for the company. 


Innovative consulting services .. Integrated development

The company has increased and diversified its expertise, and its vision has become clearer as it realized that the market requires more than just consulting on paper or making phone calls. They need to long-term consults through the entire project lifecycle from idea conception to commercial operation. Despite the challenge, the effort was greater. With a new vision, the company built an integrated bunch of consulting services aimed at satisfying clients and providing a great working experience with success.


Digital transformation

It was necessary to upgrade the level and the method of providing consulting services due to increasing competition. The company was, along its journey, very interested in using the technology to facilitate its internal business, however, the digital transformation become now an urgent need to raise business efficiency, enhance the quality, and for success sustainability. Therefore, the company concerned about this field and developed smart platforms that provide quality consulting services by latest data analysis techniques and artificial intelligence. Dealing with huge data became daily routine so special algorithms for data analysis were built to reach conclusions and decisions based on hard basis. 

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